Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Love/hate thing

"Bono's in love with the world. He wants to embrace it. I want to punch its lights out. We're a psychotic Tweedledum and Tweedledee." - Bob Geldof (Organiser of the Live8 Concerts).

Yes, I totally identify with that. Sometimes you try to help people but they don’t see that you are trying to help. Or you see people doing such stupid things that you want to bash them on the head. Inside my head lives a hugger, a Bono type character who sees good in everyone and next door to him lives a puncher, a Geldof-type. Interestingly these two neighbours of my mind get on with each other pretty well and make a surprisingly good team. The Geldof makes certain that I don't give up too much love. That all the love is genuine and a true sacrifice. The Bono (hugger type) doesn't allow the Geldof mean streak to last, otherwise I'd be no use on earth at all.

If you are totally confused then don't worry, cos the main point of today's post is totally unrelated to the inner workings of love/hate relationships - I am really looking forward to two upcoming gigs. Next week Wednesday the 17th of August at the Tanz CafĂ© Bryanston. I am doing a “solo” thing. Well I am actually sneaking in my drummer and bassist cos I don’t really like the emptiness of the solo thing. Maybe I will grow to like it, but right now solo is not good for my mojo. You can get on the guest list and only pay R 20 at the door (normal R 30). Just email me you name and surname to the address on the flyer.

Then on the Friday nite (the 19th) ELIXA is playing at a Youth event at the Bryanston Methodist Church. The event is called Ignite! And should be a blast: Scratch DJ, guest speaker, two bands. Also entrance is free. Hope to see you there.


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

See it in Black and White

Me jamming (upside down) in the loft - pic by DigitalDynamite.

Being a left-handed guitarist means that you can't just pick up a guitar at a (right-handed) friend's house and easily impress party people with the Darkness, Hendrix or Clapton's Tears in Heaven. Lefties have to turn the guitar upside down. Potentially impressive - but tricky...so it doesn't always sound great. Luckily there are one or two simple songs that work. Keep an eye out for this upside-down "party trick" at future gigs. Next week we will look at how to play a burning guitar with only your nose and toes :-0

Monday, August 01, 2005

"the ELIXA has landed"

Hello and welcome to the ELIXA blog.
Why the name ELIXA you ask? Well an elixir is a potion that was used in days gone by to make people feel better. It was a mixture of sweet sugar water and alcohol if I'm not mistaken.
I think that the salesmen might have mentioned that it had magical powers too.
ELIXA is also the name given to my band. A four piece jazz-rock band. Andrew "Smasha" Sowter on drums, Carl Sandrock on bass guitar, Lindsay Thoresson on vocals and keyboard and me on electric guitar and vocals.
But the ELIXA blog is not just about the band. Its about your heart, the music that stirs it, the good life, relationships, questions, struggles, signs, love and.....*takes a sip*....feeling good!